passing game

美 [ˈpæsɪŋ ɡeɪm]英 [ˈpɑːsɪŋ ɡeɪm]
  • 网络传切战术;击鼓传花;传递游戏;传球进攻;传球
passing gamepassing game


(American football) a play that involves one player throwing the ball to a teammate
the coach sent in a passing play on third and long
Synonym: pass passing play passing


  1. If the chance arises , I 'd like to move to a team that likes to play a good passing game .


  2. He is the fulcrum of the Arsenal team , turning defence into attack and keeping the Gunners ' passing game ticking over from midfield .


  3. The Dutch tried to slow Spain 's passing game with rough , physical play .


  4. Those sun-baked nations with their dull , flat pitches ruined the sport with absurd innovations such as ball control , tactical finesse and the passing game .


  5. Try to squeeze TD early or late in the possession , the Spurs can go to their high-low passing game with Fabricio Oberto , who can feed Duncan next to the basket before help can arrive .


  6. What makes this moment special is the glaring awareness that in the passing of every successive game , Doncic is building the future .


  7. Only if you have players with decent Decisions , Anticipation and Passing attributes is it really safe enough to use a Quick tempo Short passing game .
